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How It Works

Welcome to PowerTemps.org.

PowerTemps.org is a marketplace platform for services performed by its users.





Our Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy govern your access to and use of the PowerTemps website, including any content, functionality and services offered on or through www.PowerTemps.org (the “Site”), by PowerTemps.org.

Please read the Terms Of Service carefully before you start to use the Site. By using the Site, opening an account or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms Of Service when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms Of Service and our Privacy Policy, incorporated herein by reference. If you do not want to agree to these Terms Of Service or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Site. For more detailed policies surrounding the activity and usage on the Site, please access the designated articles herein.

This Site is offered and available to users who are 13 years of age or older. If you are under 13 you may not use this Site or the PowerTemps services. By using this Site, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Site.

Our Customer Support team is available 24/7 if you have any questions regarding the Site or Terms of Service. Contacting our Customer Support team can be performed by submitting information on our form available on PowerTemps.org. We aim to reply within 5 working days.

Key Terms

  • Jobs are services offered on PowerTemps.
  • Sellers are users who offer and perform services through Jobs on PowerTemps.
  • Buyers are users who purchase services on PowerTemps.
  • Job Page is where the seller can describe their Job and the Job’s terms, and the buyer can purchase the Job and create an order.
  • Job Extras are additional services offered on top of the Seller’s Job for an additional price defined by the Seller.
  • Job Multiples are additional quantities of unique orders from the seller’s Job.
  • Job Packages allow sellers to offer services in different formats and prices. Packages can include upgrades, which lets sellers price their service for a basic price of over $10.
  • Custom Offers are exclusive proposals that a seller can create in response to specific requirements of a buyer.
  • Custom Orders are requests made by a buyer to receive a Custom Offer from a seller.
  • Orders are the formal agreement between a buyer and seller after a purchase was made from the seller’s Job Page.
  • Order Page is where buyers and sellers communicate with each other in connection with an ordered Job.
  • Disputes are disagreements experienced during an order between a buyer and seller on PowerTemps.
  • Revenue is the money sellers earn from completed orders.
  • Sales Balance is cleared revenue from completed orders for sellers to withdraw or use to purchase Jobs.
  • Shopping Balance is shopping credit collected from cancelled orders or PowerTemps promotions to be used for purchasing Jobs.
  • Overview

  • Only registered users may buy and sell on PowerTemps. Registration is free.
  • Jobs on PowerTemps may be offered at a base starting price of $10. Some Jobs are offered at a base price of more than $10 as determined by the seller.
  • Buyers pay PowerTemps in advance to create an order.
  • Orders are purchased through the Order button found on a seller’s Job page or through a Custom Offer.
  • For fees and payments please read the purchasing section here.
  • Sellers must fulfill their orders, and may not cancel orders on a regular basis or without cause. Cancelling orders will affect sellers’ reputation and status.
  • Sellers gain account statuses (Levels) based on their performance and reputation. Advanced levels provide their owners with benefits, including offering services for higher prices through Job Extras, or selling their Job in multiples.
  • Users may not offer or accept payments using any method other than placing an order through PowerTemps.org.
  • Buyers are granted all rights for the delivered work, unless otherwise specified by the seller on their Job page. Note: some Jobs charge additional payments (through Job Extras) for Commercial Use License. See our “Ownership” and “Commercial Use License” sections below for more information.
  • PowerTemps retains the right to use all published delivered works for PowerTemps marketing and promotion purposes.
  • We care about your privacy. You can read our Privacy Policy here. The Privacy Policy is a part of these Terms of Service and incorporated herein by reference.